Tagged wife

Trust Your Wife

Prov. 31:11 says, The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. On our honeymoon we rented a two-seater bicycle. She wanted to steer first so I took the camera and provided pedal power. It was a little funny trying to get our balance, and I had to…

The ‘Bad’ Wife

The stress of work, church responsibilities and post-wedding busyness and change had finally caught up with me. I went home from work every night, sat on the couch and watched TV until it was time to go to bed. Then, I would curl up into a ball under the covers and sob uncontrollably. And then…

I’m Drawing a Blank

Men, fill in this blank: “Women are _________.” Too broad? Try this one: “American women are ________.” Still nothing? “Southern women are ________.” “Women within a 50-mile radius are __________.” If you can fill in any of those blanks accurately you are a smarter man than I. The best I can do are a few…

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