Tagged separation


Hope for Difficult Marriages

What can you do if your spouse is abusive … or depressed … or addicted? How do you live with someone who won’t communicate? In his latest book, Dr. Gary Chapman tackles all of these difficult situations, and more. As he addresses each challenge, he offers strong encouragement and practical instruction. This new release comes…


Falling Out of Love?

Last week a well-known celebrity announced that she and her husband are separating. They have a young child. To pull language directly from her, she said that the split is amicable, they are best friends and will remain so, they make each other laugh a lot, and her husband is an amazing father. Based on…


Dangerous Indifference

“I feel like we’re nothing more than roommates!” I hope I’m not the only woman who has ever said that. Or, the only woman who has felt her revealed heart pierced by a husband who glanced up from his video game, the back of the sports page or his fishing lure to say, “What?” Or…

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