Tagged relationships


Marrying Potential

Before marriage it’s really hard to experience enough life together to know the ups and downs that give them the a clear picture of what married life will look like. I know this because it’s not uncommon for a couple to walk into my office and explain that after a few years of marriage, they…

Your’s, Mine and Our’s

There’s a great old movie, Your’s, Mine and Our’s. It’s been redone since the original 1968 version, but I am partial to Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda. It’s the story of a widower with 10 children and a widow, the mother of eight. They unexpectedly fall in love and tackle the overwhelming challenge of uniting…


Why Am I Still Single?

Just a few days ago, I was talking with a friend over lunch and the topic turned from the general how do you do’s to the more tender and personal stuff that guys don’t often talk about. Having both recently come off of breakups we began talking about relationships, women, marriage and finding the one….

The Servant

Have you ever gone to the beach, waded in the water up to your knees and then been toppled over by an unruly wave? Sometimes being confronted with a truth can feel like that. For me, that wave came in the form of Micah 6:8: He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what…

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