Tagged preparation


Five Hours of Magic

Dr. John Gottman, revered marriage expert, has done extensive research in the field of marriage. One of his most helpful findings is what separates successful marriages to ones that fail. The answer: Those that spend an extra 5 hours per week investing in their spouse tend to live a more fulfilled marriage. He calls it…


Lessons from the Well-Marrieds

Don’t some couples just make you want to get married? They sparkle in each other’s presence, and they laugh constantly. They seem content and complete. No, they’re not perfect, but there is something special about their relationship. What makes these people’s marriages different? I narrowed it down to this: They’re best friends. Everyone wants to…


On the Money

The American Dream has altered over the years but still fuels our culture. Its message permeates the airwaves, social media and modern advertising. We’re promised a better body, popularity and sexier hair; all the contents of a happy life. In the place of the white picket fence and 2.2 kids is the good looking, popular…


Five Marriage Lessons From A Newlywed

I’ve been married just shy of two years and I’m about to offer you some marriage advice. I can almost guess what you might be thinking…Well, that’s sweet but what does a newlywed who is supposed to be perpetually lost on a puffy white cloud of wedded bliss truly know about being married anyway? While…

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