Tagged practical


Show Me The Money

Sex get’s most of the hype as the big conversation topic prior to getting married. This is probably because, in general, sex is a lot more enjoyable to practice than any of the other issues a couple might face. With that said, the issue of money will usually be a more divisive topic than sex…


Five Hours of Magic

Dr. John Gottman, revered marriage expert, has done extensive research in the field of marriage. One of his most helpful findings is what separates successful marriages to ones that fail. The answer: Those that spend an extra 5 hours per week investing in their spouse tend to live a more fulfilled marriage. He calls it…


A Vision for Your Marriage

Do you have a vision for your marriage, one that’s greater than your relationship or the daily details of life? The Bible says, The Scripture says, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18, kjv).” Having a vision and a plan for a redemptive marriage can be one of the most inspiring, productive…

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