Tagged peace


Waving Flags

“The two of you—together—raise a lot of red flags for me.” My eyes shifted from the man behind to the desk to my boyfriend, and back to the man behind the desk. I doubt this gentleman could tell you the name of my two-year-old son, or even guess my favorite ethnic food, but he had…


Got a Marriage? Got a Mouth?

My husband, Bill, and I have this thing we sometimes say to each other. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it’s one of those habitual, intentional refrains we’ve chiseled into the foundation of our marriage. We don’t write it, we say it… but if we did write it down, and if archeologists were…


Get Your Pom Poms Ready

Some days my battle weary husband straggles in the front door with brooding eyes, slumped shoulders, and a defeated countenance. The world beats him up and tosses him around unmercifully. Condemning voices have taken up residence in his head. Negative circumstances and pesky people war against my man and rob him of energy, joy, and…

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