Tagged newlywed


Say Goodnight, Together

During our first few years of marriage, my husband Ted’s favorite late night companion was the website Free Republic. Free what? Free Republic. That would be an online gathering place for the politically conservative to discuss the latest in politics. You see, prior to our union, freeping – as it’s called – was Ted’s go-to,…

The Wet Cement Year

Deuteronomy 24: 5 says: A newly married man must not be drafted into the army or be given any other responsibilities. He must be free to spend one year at home, bringing happiness to the wife he has married.” I’m pretty sure this verse was spoken in the same breath that forbids eating pork and…


Rejection. What a painful pill to swallow, and no matter how full our “love tank” feels, just one action can make us feel bankrupt. I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”  (Jeremiah 31:3) There was a brief moment in my new marriage when I felt rejected. Abandoned….

Hysterical Longevity

Why did you marry your spouse? Craig Groeschel, pastor of LifeChurch.tv says, it’s probably not because you found them boring, too busy for you, critical or self-absorbed. You probably chose your companion because you enjoy being with them, because you find them fun! Why then, do we expect our marriages to survive when we become…

The ‘Bad’ Wife

The stress of work, church responsibilities and post-wedding busyness and change had finally caught up with me. I went home from work every night, sat on the couch and watched TV until it was time to go to bed. Then, I would curl up into a ball under the covers and sob uncontrollably. And then…

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