Tagged Misc.


Back to the Future

Growing up, one of my favorite video games was Zelda. In addition to the combat and puzzles, my favorite part was discovering and conquering unknown levels. As the player, you’d know how much of a particular level you’d discovered based on the map in the lower right corner. However, in beginning each new level, the…

Do you have any book recommendations for Christian couples whom are both products of divorce?

Question: Do you have any other book recommendation for Christian couples whom are both products of divorce? We’ve read The 5 Love Languages and Things I Wish I Had Known Before We Got Married. I have also noticed the The Family You’ve Always Wanted. I’d appreciate any and all recommendations of books on how to create a…


Turn Off the Screen

There are a number of articles that have been published digging into how the social fabric of our culture is changing based on social media. The Atlantic published an article called “Is Facebook Making us Lonely?,” which is a long read but very challenging to our understanding about the impact of technology and social media. Smart phones,…

You Married an Ox

Proverbs 14:4 says, Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, but much revenue comes by the strength of the ox.” Marrying a man is a trade off, like having an ox around. Men are a lot like oxen, and I am speaking from experience. We are usually bigger and stronger and less astute than women. Again, my…


Moving after Marriage

After one semester of college in downtown Chicago, I realized that I was a city girl at heart.  From the beginning, the skyline drew me in to its bright lights and bustle. I loved getting lost in a street full of people, the host of cultural events right at my fingertips, and the fact that…

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