Tagged marriage together


The Love Language Experiment

Did you know that the average lifespan of the “falling in love” or the “emotional obsession” stage of a relationship is only two years long? This was news to me after hearing Dr. Gary Chapman speak at the Hearts at Home conference, an expo for over 4,000 moms, a couple weeks ago. He and author…


Our Song, Then and Now

It was a fairly simple activity. At least, it should have been. Our task? To remember back to the early days of our relationship and share with our church small group the name of “our song” at the time. The message from our pastor that week had been on marriage. So our discussion that evening…


Replacing Negativity with Grace

If you’ve been to any type of women’s gathering, odds are good that at some point in the conversation, talk has turned to husband bashing. If not bashing, at least complaining with heavy doses of negativity. And we all know it only takes one spark to start a forest fire. All it takes is one…

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