Tagged Mark Driscoll


There’s No Such Thing As Free Porn

  How’d you find this article? Statistically, there’s a 25% chance you were looking for porn. And even if you weren’t searching for porn now, there’s a 40% chance you looked for and viewed porn at some point this week. If you’re a man between the ages of 18 and 34, the biggest demographic I…


Sex: God, Gross, or Gift?

In the beginning, God created our first parents, and brought them together to meet. For Eve, it was a big day. She had just been created, met God, and was going to her first “date” —her wedding. Upon seeing his wife for the first time, Adam was overwhelmed and uttered first recorded human words in…


What’s Your Secret?

FEATURED GUEST: Mark Driscoll As a married person, have you ever asked, How come we’re not close? How come the marriage isn’t working? Where’s the joy? What happened to the friendship?” Over many years of pastoral ministry, I’ve found that oftentimes the troubles in a marriage come from a secret that has not been shared….

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