Tagged listening


Want a Better Marriage? Listen up!

“You never really listen to me; what I say just doesn’t matter…you only hear what’s in your head!” an exasperated wife said to her husband. Does that complaint sound familiar? It certainly does to many people. Indeed, it’s the sort of frustration that drives a lot of unhappiness among couples. If you want a successful…

3 Components of a Good Listener

“I need you to listen to me with your eyes,” Stephanie, my wife, says as we’re discussing our upcoming weekend plans. Truth be told, I was in the middle of a project on my computer and didn’t want to stop. “I’m listening, just keep talking,” I reply. She continues talking and then asks me for…


The 15-Minute Date

Most couples that I see for counseling have not consistently dated in years. It’s an odd phenomenon that usually happens after the wedding; couples stop dating. The most common reasons I hear and see have to do with the physical proximity of living together, having a difficult time transitioning past the “I got what I…

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