Tagged husband

Watch Your Tone

Don’t take that tone with me!” No, I’m not talking to my teenage daughter. My husband and I are attending a Sunday school class that is using the Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage curriculum. Within the first five minutes of the first session, the room was alive with laughter. Husbands and wives chuckled both…

I’m Drawing a Blank

Men, fill in this blank: “Women are _________.” Too broad? Try this one: “American women are ________.” Still nothing? “Southern women are ________.” “Women within a 50-mile radius are __________.” If you can fill in any of those blanks accurately you are a smarter man than I. The best I can do are a few…


The S-Word (Submission)

The best and worst (read: most squirm-inducing) part of premarital counseling was when our pastor asked us to read Ephesians 5:22-33 and explain what it meant to us. If you are engaged or newly wed, or a woman, I don’t need to tell you this is the passage that begins, “Wives submit to your husbands….”…

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