Tagged husband

Trust Your Wife

Prov. 31:11 says, The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. On our honeymoon we rented a two-seater bicycle. She wanted to steer first so I took the camera and provided pedal power. It was a little funny trying to get our balance, and I had to…

The ‘Bad’ Wife

The stress of work, church responsibilities and post-wedding busyness and change had finally caught up with me. I went home from work every night, sat on the couch and watched TV until it was time to go to bed. Then, I would curl up into a ball under the covers and sob uncontrollably. And then…


Marriage After Kids

I’m often asked what’s been the hardest time in my marriage. Without hesitation, I name the first year of our marriage. We struggled with making it through every day without hurting each other. We eventually got into our groove around month 8 or 9, which at the time felt like year 80 or 90. Now,…


Love and Relationships

In the book of Proverbs, God provides through King Solomon a behavioral picture of the person who is considered wise. In relational terms, wisdom is seen in the pursuit of the good life, that is, the godly life—a life marked by certain qualities that emulate the love God desires for you and with you. It’s…

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