Tagged husband


The Death Wish

In the weeks that led up to our wedding, my soon-to-be husband Ted informed our friends, family, and anyone who would listen of his impending death. “Death?” you ask. Yep, death. Death, that is, to his single self. You know, the self that could buy a new Nord Electro on a whim. Or stay up…


Get Your Pom Poms Ready

Some days my battle weary husband straggles in the front door with brooding eyes, slumped shoulders, and a defeated countenance. The world beats him up and tosses him around unmercifully. Condemning voices have taken up residence in his head. Negative circumstances and pesky people war against my man and rob him of energy, joy, and…

Wife in Machine-Gun Mode

My husband finally loves Christmas. No, this is not about the holidays, but it is about something that happens to me during the flurry of activity that accompanies anything I’m in charge of. Like Christmas at our house. Bill named this setting on my dial machine-gun mode, and I think it feels good. Things need…

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