Tagged guilt


Addictions and Marriage

Let me put it plainly: You can’t have a marriage and an addiction. You cannot serve two masters. It takes devotion to marriage to make it work and the same is true for addictions. A few years ago a friend of my confided to me that he was struggling with pornography. He told me that…


Dealing with Guilt

Guilt is a stingy emotion. It will not release us from something we have done if we have caused harm to come to someone else. There is guilt in us all, which also means that it is present in all relationships. One thing of note, guilt and shame are very similar emotions. The big difference…


Guilty or Not?

Recently I was in an airport bookstore and accidentally spilled some of my hot tea on the floor. Since I did not have anything to wipe spill, I told the two clerks what I had done. “Thank you for telling us,” one clerk said, as she phoned for a cleaning person. The other clerk nodded. “You…

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