Tagged faith


The Story of Ian & Larissa

By now, you’ve probably seen the video, the story of Ian & Larissa, of their “momentary marriage.” The video was watched about 86,000 times Tuesday, May 8, when it was posted online by Desiring God, which shares resources from John Piper’s ministry. By the end of that week, it had been watched more than 442,000….


Are You Stuck in Your Stuff?

As I cleared out the dead leaves and debris from my flowerbeds and gardens in preparation for planting some pansies, I got to thinking about our emotional junk. We all have emotional junk—stuff we need to clear out so that we can grow. But some of us have many old hurts (stuff) that we have not…

The Rest of the Story

My life is no longer all about me. Today Justin and I dream of moving out west together. I cannot think of a better dream than moving with the love of my life back to the mountains. Although mountains are not outside my window now, I realize that I made the right choice and no…


The S-Word (Submission)

The best and worst (read: most squirm-inducing) part of premarital counseling was when our pastor asked us to read Ephesians 5:22-33 and explain what it meant to us. If you are engaged or newly wed, or a woman, I don’t need to tell you this is the passage that begins, “Wives submit to your husbands….”…

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