Tagged engaged

Tough Guy, Eh?

Even the toughest guy in the world prefers safety to vulnerability. That’s why the Roman Legion carried shields. It’s natural to seek one’s own security. But that should only be when the Visigoths are attacking. It shouldn’t mean withdrawing emotionally when things get tough in a relationship and the stones and arrows start flying. Unfortunately, on a spiritual and emotional level, men got rewired to run away…


What Really Matters

Sir Winston Churchill once poignantly observed that, We make a living by what we get; but we make a life by what we give.” As implied by the meaning of service, the idea of giving is central to the Christian life. Indeed, it’s what makes a life in God most visible to others. It’s not…


The Art of Apology

Conflict is bound to happen in the best of marriages, and even the most self-controlled among us will slip up and do something to hurt our spouse. Sometimes it’s deliberate, and sometimes it happens without any premeditated malice on our part. But if we’re honest with ourselves, we all need to apologize from time to…

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