Tagged Differences


Don’t Cramp Your Spouse’s Style!

Several years ago my sister-in-law returned from a trip with matching jackets for my husband and me. When we tried on the army green fleece jackets, we couldn’t help but laugh at our reflection in the mirror. While it was cute for us to dress alike, it was obvious that the jacket looked better on…


Beautifully Different

Dale and I experienced very different backgrounds. He came from a small, close-knit, Protestant family and grew up in Southern California. I grew up in a large, blended Catholic family in upstate New York, so our family experiences were quite different from each other’s. We also grew up more than a decade apart, so our…


The Best Advice I Didn’t Get

For a talky-mctalkson like myself, going to premarital counseling was heaps of fun. What could be better than hours and hours of talking about us, understanding us, building us-skills, and all under the watchful and loving eye of a mentor? A few weeks into it, a friend asked how premarital counseling was going. “Aren’t you…

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