Tagged Q&A: Dating

Beware of Bears

Don’t freak out, but there’s a bear on your right,” my friend whispered in my ear. Mm-hmm, sure, I thought. For the past hour, she’d been trying to scare me with fake bear warnings as we hiked through Glacier National Park. Still, I turned good-naturedly to look up the hill. To my horror, I linked…

Extreme Makeover

There is something about the show, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition that draws people in. Let’s face it—the vast majority of us, if given the opportunity, would love to change at least one room of our current dwelling, if not give the whole house a massive overhaul. Some people make a hobby of purchasing run-down establishments…

Two Become One

Marriage is meant to be the most intimate, fulfilling relationship that two people can experience. God’s Word describes marriage as a man and woman uniting to become one flesh. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 After marriage, there…

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