Tagged Q&A: Dating


Intimacy: Intended for One

One summer while my husband and I were still dating, he worked as a lifeguard at an amusement park which had a reputation for hiring students on summer break who were looking to party. High school and college students roomed together in co-ed staff apartments, creating the perfect set-up for working in the sun all…


How Not to Date a Loser

I’ve had my share of heartache when it comes to dating. More than once I’ve looked back on a relationship and wondered, “What was I thinking?” Unfortunately, it took several failed relationships before I was willing to admit that I needed to be more intentional about making wise choices. Today, as a relationship coach and…


Hung Up on “Hook-Ups”

Dating today has radically changed from the traditional sense of the word. Alternatively, a lot of young people are cashing in their dinner-and-a-movie date night for a modern day phenomenon that is a major cause for concern. Dating is being replaced by what is known as “hooking up.” We see it in television shows, but…

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