Tagged Q&A: Dating


No Room to Budge in a Grudge

Successful marriage consistently calls for both the humble admission of error when wrongdoing has occurred and the mutual commitment to grow in unfamiliar ways. Nothing destroys these two pillars of healthy relationships more quickly than persistent defensiveness and an unforgiving, critical spirit. These are the heart-hardening factors that eventually destroy the elasticity of creative conflict…


Diversifying Your Social Network

“Birds of a feather flock together,” is a kitschy way of saying we tend to hang out with people a lot like ourselves. If you’re an engaged couple that likely means you’re used to spending time with folks on a fairly limited spectrum. My guess is that the bulk of your free time is spent…

I Think I Said Too Much

Have you ever had a conversation with someone that went uncomfortably deep, way too quickly? I came across a funny skit (embedded at the end of this post) the other day illustrating a couple of the most common mistakes I think people make when getting to know someone. For starters they assume the person is…

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