Tagged Q&A: Dating


Hidden Anger, Open Wound

A young man arrived recently at my office in suicidal despair. Tim, a Christian, was distraught over a moral lapse he had promised himself would never happen. He and his fiancée, Elizabeth, had made a pact to avoid sexual involvement before marriage. But one night he stayed too late and the unthinkable happened. Consumed with…

5 Days of Free Giveaways: Day 1

Sometimes we don’t know what to do with our emotions, so we stuff them deep down. But they always resurface in one way or another, and can cause issues in relationships with other people. Licensed psychologist and relationship coach, Georgia Shaffer offers in Taking Out Your Emotional Trash: Face Your Feelings and Build Healthy Relationships practical and…


Who Is a Loser?

I realize some people might react negatively to the term “loser” because in God’s eyes, everyone has value, worth and purpose. In that sense, no one is or ever could be a loser. But we can all acknowledge that for many reasons some people are not healthy individuals where they currently are. Maybe in ten…

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