Tagged celebrate


Five Hours of Magic

Dr. John Gottman, revered marriage expert, has done extensive research in the field of marriage. One of his most helpful findings is what separates successful marriages to ones that fail. The answer: Those that spend an extra 5 hours per week investing in their spouse tend to live a more fulfilled marriage. He calls it…

The Most Wonderful Time

Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year. It is a time when there is joy, laughter, love, and hope all around. We are reminded of the powerful gift of salvation we have been given through Jesus Christ. Family and friends surround us as we make memories together. Plus, there is often…


Closing Chapters

Saying goodbye to people, places, and things in our lives can be a mixed bag of emotions. Sometimes these endings leave us feeling relieved and excited for the next stage to come. Others fill us with sadness as we reluctantly or abruptly are forced to move on with our life. And at times what we…

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