Search for: communication


What Your Partner Really Wants

The object of love is not getting something you want but doing something for the well being of the one you love. -Dr. Gary Chapman Does it ever feel like your significant other is speaking in a foreign tongue? Well, feel better, dear one, because most likely that’s exactly what’s happening. Imagine with me that two people…


The Six People in Your Marriage… Who Gets Priority?

The youth pastor at our church got married last month. While I wasn’t able to attend, I heard the pastor made a point not often discussed: there are six people that enter into the marriage—you, your spouse’s expectation of you, God’s view of you, your spouse as they understand themselves, your expectation of your spouse,…


Overcoming Hurtful Words — Interview with Janell Rardon

In Janell Rardon’s book, Overcoming Hurtful Words, she challenges readers to “reflect, reframe, and reauthor” their thinking to thrive in all areas of life. Focusing on the foundational importance of communication in marriage, I asked Janell, a Board Certified Life Coach, about the power of words in marriage, finding hope in trying times, and where…


How to Survive Dual Incomes Without Duels

Marriage is great, wonderful, and adventurous all at the same time…but sometimes it’s not. When couples are married and both work, things can become contentious very quickly. Things around the home can begin to get neglected and unless there is good communication about who will accomplish which task, you might start to feel like your…


Is Texting Killing Our Relationships?

We are more connected than ever today in our technological society. Think of how technology has given us the ability to connect with so many people. Forget pen and paper; in fact, forget email! Jump on Facebook and send a little message. Forget calling someone – send them a text while you’re at work. We are connecting with…

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