

Give Thanks

I’d be content if I just had… Everything would be perfect, if I could just get… Yeah, my life is okay, but their life is better. Do any of these statements sound familiar to you? If so, then welcome to the human race. We all struggle with feelings of contentment. Sometimes it is plain hard…


Stretch it Out

After my run today, my muscles were feeling a little achy from the workout. I decided that they were in need of a good session of stretching. As I tenderly bent over and reached for my toes, I felt the pang of pain surge through my hamstrings. Yikes! How can something that is so good…


In Sickness and in Health

It is that time of year again where it seems like a cold, the flu, or some other nasty bug is lurking around every corner. Everywhere you go there seem to be people coughing, sneezing, and sniffling. Last week, I fell victim to one of those pesky bugs and found myself feeling like a train…

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