
Tough Guy, Eh?

Even the toughest guy in the world prefers safety to vulnerability. That’s why the Roman Legion carried shields. It’s natural to seek one’s own security. But that should only be when the Visigoths are attacking. It shouldn’t mean withdrawing emotionally when things get tough in a relationship and the stones and arrows start flying. Unfortunately, on a spiritual and emotional level, men got rewired to run away…

Nag, Nag, Nag

I don’t believe most women are natural arguers, I think they are reasonable skeptics. They require more convincing than men—since most men think highly of their own judgment, believing anything they came up with themselves, or will solve a problem quickly so they don’t have to deal with it. Women often, sensibly enough, require reasons…

The Friend Zone

You’re a really great person. Let’s just be friends.” I hate that line. I hear those words and immediately regret all the things I did to impress the guy saying them. The new haircut and highlights. The pedicures. The makeup. The cute dress. The matching shoes. I wish I’d never done any of it…and I…

One Day My Prince Will Come

I was once a little girl with big dreams of romance! Sure, I enjoyed riding my bike, baking cookies with mom, playing My Little Pony, conquering Candy Land, and reading (literally) all Saturday with my best friend Meghan, but there was a bigger passion deep down in the recesses of my heart. I wanted to…

5 Days of Free Giveaways: Day 5

She is strong yet gentle, dignified yet humble, sincere yet patient…she is human so she makes mistakes and has an incredible need for grace and forgiveness. Now what kind of man would it take to lead a woman like that? Jess MacCallum, in his humorous, light-hearted, man-to-man guide, I Married Wonder Woman…Now What? offers a twist in…

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