
The ‘Bad’ Wife

The stress of work, church responsibilities and post-wedding busyness and change had finally caught up with me. I went home from work every night, sat on the couch and watched TV until it was time to go to bed. Then, I would curl up into a ball under the covers and sob uncontrollably. And then…

Hard-core Honor

Marriage is made of promises, from the inaugural seconds of the union between a man and woman. I, Sinner 1, promise to be true to you, Sinner 2, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.” I took some…


I have a lot of married friends, most of them with children, all of them with in-laws. Families are unique, and combining two families through marriage can create tension for newlyweds. A sister-in-law and Aunt, I have seen the in-laws dynamic in my own family, sometimes seamless and at other times busting the seams. As…

Suffering Together

We can go through life alone, or we can go through life in community. While it’s our choice, God created us for relationship. His second greatest commandment is to, “love one another, just as I have loved you” (John 13:34). We were never intended to experience both happiness and suffering on our own. This morning,…

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