Just for Fun


10 Fun, Cheap Date Ideas for You and Your Spouse

Christi and I maintain a date night once a week. With little kids, it’s necessary for us to stay connected with one another beyond “business talk” or “kid talk.” However, like most couples, spending money on a babysitter and the date itself can get pretty expensive over time. That’s why we’re creative in what our…

The Psychology of Dating Nerves

Have you ever experienced anxiety, nervousness, or found yourself unusually clumsy around someone you’re interested in? We recently ran across this fun info-graphic that we thought could shed some light on this common dating phenomenon, and better yet, help you overcome worry and stress related to dating. The Psychology of Dating Nerves [Infographic] by the…

A Proposal Story

When you see someone who you know is engaged, one of the first questions you typically ask (in an excitable tone) is “Will you tell me the proposal story?!” I ask my engaged friends the same thing and expect the entire story with all of the juicy details… Joe’s post-op physical therapy appointment would last over…

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