

The Bait of Facebook

3 years ago, I decided to separate from my husband. It was a surprisingly easy decision. I wanted to reclaim my independence; expand my social circles and reconnect with people from the past. I just couldn’t make those things happen while hitched to my hubby. And so I did it. With a few clicks of…


A Weak Wife

When my husband and I got married, I was surprised how easy the “wife stuff” came to me. Each day as I drove home from work, my brain was filling with ideas on what to make for dinner. On Saturday mornings, I loved waking up and surprising my sweet husband with breakfast and an adventure…


Going Together

When we were growing up, having a boyfriend or girlfriend was called going together. It was actually quite an insightful term and one that is often lost in marriage. The daily stress and challenges we all face can easily distract us from a common goal and purpose, and ultimately pull us in competing directions. The…

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