

#HeForShe, God, and Marriage

Emma Watson—the Harry Potter girl, as she referred to herself—did a masterful job recently of launching a new campaign for gender equality at the U.N. headquarters in New York. The HeForShe campaign asks men to make a commitment to “take action against all forms of violence and discrimination faced by women and girls.” That is…


Me or the TV

“Why I hate TV…”  This was a topic I was assigned to write about in my pre-marital counseling.  Apparently, I had a problem with TV.  Oddly enough, I didn’t actually give much thought to TV until I met my fiance.  My schedule was too saturated to make time for shows.  My fiance, on the other…


How to Love When All Seems Lost

How many words can you brainstorm which begin with the prefix “re”? Google shows me a couple hundred, if not more. “Re-” means “again” or “in new form”. In the world of recovery and marriage counseling, “re-“ is a necessary concept. Allow me to explain. Troy and Kate entered pastoral counseling for a last-effort meeting….

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