Articles by F.E. Verdick

F.E. Verdick, a graduate of Liberty University, lives in Southern California and loves avocados, sunshine, and serving her Savior. Currently, she teaches dance to over one hundred students and is working on her second book. Connect with Felicia on her blog or on Facebook, she would love to hear from you!


A Man Who Bears Burdens

I love traveling, but I hate the awkwardness of trying to shove my carry-on into an overhead bin. My arms are pretty scrawny and somehow my bag always manages to weigh nearly half of my body weight. I board the plane with dread, knowing I will somehow have to lift my luggage and balance it…


The Importance of Observation

  How you treat your family is how you’ll eventually treat your future husband. And how he treats his family, or those closest to him, is how a guy will eventually treat his future wife.” My mom’s words still echoed in my head after the mother-daughter powwow we’d had the night before. It’s easy to…

Sneaky Sin

“What is that?” I stopped brushing my freshly-washed hair to stare at the big brown speck reflecting back at me from the mirror. How I could still have dirt on my body after a twenty minute shower? Sure, we’d been hiking in the Colorado Mountains all day, but dirt doesn’t permanently stain! I examined the…

Beware of Bears

Don’t freak out, but there’s a bear on your right,” my friend whispered in my ear. Mm-hmm, sure, I thought. For the past hour, she’d been trying to scare me with fake bear warnings as we hiked through Glacier National Park. Still, I turned good-naturedly to look up the hill. To my horror, I linked…

Is Your Ring Finger Still Bare?

Did you expect to have a nice sparkly diamond (or a rough, manly band) decorating that finger by now? Perhaps you were in a relationship heading towards marriage, but, for one reason or another, it didn’t work out in the end.  Or perhaps you’re still patiently waiting for the right one to show up. You’re…

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