Articles by Bronwyn Lea

Bronwyn Lea loves Jesus, writing, ice-cream and the sound of her children laughing. She writes about the holy and hilarious things in life at, where she also hosts a faith and relationship advice column. Find her there, or follow her on Facebook or on Twitter.


The Sexiest Habit of All

I came into marriage prepared for the advent of the Era of Sexy, and I had a good idea of what that would look like. Bridal shower lingerie, knowing looks, candles, lotions and potions, and a playlist with earthy beats and sotto voce vocalists. There would be whispers, slow dances in the kitchen, lingering applications…


The Best Advice I Didn’t Get

For a talky-mctalkson like myself, going to premarital counseling was heaps of fun. What could be better than hours and hours of talking about us, understanding us, building us-skills, and all under the watchful and loving eye of a mentor? A few weeks into it, a friend asked how premarital counseling was going. “Aren’t you…


So I Married a Mind-Reader

Here are the things I thought happily married couples would do: dance in the kitchen, have fabulous sex, travel the world, and be able to have lengthy, meaningful conversations while hardly saying a word. In fact, the telepathic love connection expectation ran pretty high. Think of Schmidt’s character in New Girl: just one look at…

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