Articles by Abby Kelly

Abby Kelly is a blogger, personal trainer, partner in Moms Who TRI, a journaler and a dog owner. She currently lives in Northern Virginia with her military officer husband. She writes on cultural, personal and relational lies that destroy women's lives and seeks to share the truth, hope and love of Jesus Christ.

Hard-core Honor

Marriage is made of promises, from the inaugural seconds of the union between a man and woman. I, Sinner 1, promise to be true to you, Sinner 2, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.” I took some…

Watch Your Tone

Don’t take that tone with me!” No, I’m not talking to my teenage daughter. My husband and I are attending a Sunday school class that is using the Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage curriculum. Within the first five minutes of the first session, the room was alive with laughter. Husbands and wives chuckled both…


Fit For A Bride

They must have just finished a tiring day of wedding dress shopping. From my restaurant booth behind them, I overheard the father say to his daughter across the table, “You better eat light tonight and for that matter for the next 14 months! If you don’t, you’ll get too fat for that dress and I’m…

Great Expectations

My husband knows what it means to prepare. As a soldier in the Old Guard at Arlington National Cemetery, his days are filled with rehearsals. Every funeral, retirement or diplomatic ceremony requires precision. No matter how many similar events his company has accomplished, he will take them through the paces again and again every time….

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