My husband just accepted his dream job in another city and we have two months to prep for a big move. There are lots of details to wrangle, not the least of which includes finding a new home, finding renters for our current home, saying good bye to friends and family and packing and moving.
Our lives got infinitely busier overnight and the stress has definitely ramped up, especially as we wait to see many of the details unfold that are out of our control. Over the last few weeks I’ve noticed that it’s been very easy for me to let stress reign; and to get out of sync with both my husband and with God.
So, here are some things I’m implementing to help myself stay on a healthy track.
Stay Connected with God
When we’re busy and distracted with details for a move or other transition, it’s easy to put time with God on the backburner. There are times when I think I’m too busy to stop and take time to pray or read the Bible. However, I find that when I’m intentional about doing so, I have a much larger amount of peace and joy and somehow all the tasks I need to get completed do get done.
So, how do you personally connect with God? Reading the Bible, singing, being outdoors, praying while running, hiking or something else? Make sure to daily slow down and keep that life-giving connection with God strong.
Jesus reminds us, “I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.” John 15:5, AMP
Stay Connected With Each Other
My husband and I are usually very connected but in the last several weeks I’ve noticed that we haven’t been kissing or holding hands as much as we used to. It’s easy to let the exhaustion and details of life get in the way of every day intimacy.
So, ask for what you need! Kiss often. Take 10 minutes and turn off the electronics while you talk. Hold hands. Pray together about the details. The support you and your spouse can offer each other during a transition is essential. Remember to take those small moments to stay connected with each other.
Make a Plan, Manage the Details
Take some time to sit down together and talk through all the practical details of what needs to happen during the transition. Decide who will be responsible for what and use a calendar, list or spreadsheet to keep details straight.
When each person’s roles and tasks are defined ahead of time and there is a clear understanding of what needs to be completed, it makes for a less stressful and less confusing transition.
Deflate the Stress
In the midst of an extra stressful time, learning how to manage stress well will be a huge help. First and foremost, remember to release your burdens to God, because He is our truest source of peace and joy.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7, NLT
Also, remember to keep doing those simple things that make you come alive! For me, in the simplest sense, that includes morning tea, taking 10 minutes to sit outside and look at the sky, taking a moment to laugh with my husband, or taking a quick walk around the block. All of these are small acts but they add up in a big way to reduce stress.
During your transition remember to take the time to connect with God and your spouse, to manage the details and take care of yourself. And encourage your spouse to take care of themselves, too!