I’ve never been one to enjoy taking risks. Sure there are risks I have made myself take that worked out well, but I’m not one of those people who thrive on it. You know the type I’m talking about, don’t you? They’ll jump out and start a new career, up and move to another city on short notice, or do something many of the rest of us would balk at. They actually enjoy risk-taking.
But we cautious ones can easily get stuck in the mud and avoid healthy risks and new opportunities, if we’re not careful. We need someone who will encourage us to take a few good risks.
For that reason I always thought I would end up marrying a risk-taker and that we would balance each other out. But that didn’t happen.
My husband isn’t a huge risk-taker either. Sure he takes risks from time to time but he can get stuck in the mud like I can. However, since we’ve been married, I have noticed two interesting things:
- At different times we both naturally take turns encouraging each other to take healthy risks when we need to.
- Out of the two of us, I have surprisingly become the bigger risk-taker.
Whether it’s traveling alone to another country to attend a conference where I know no one, pitching a series of stories to a foreign newspaper, or being ready to move to a different country at the drop of a hat….I’m the one who has pushed myself to take more leaps of faith.
How did this happen?
There is a great quote that says, “If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat.”
It’s referring to Matthew 14:22-33 when Jesus was walking on water and invited Peter to do the same thing:
“Peter, suddenly bold, said, ‘Master, if it’s really you, call me to come to you on the water.’
Jesus said, ‘Come ahead.’
Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, ‘Master, save me!’
Jesus didn’t hesitate. He reached down and grabbed his hand.”
I like that Peter was bold enough to ask God for an invitation to join Him in such a supernatural experience. And that Jesus replied, “Come ahead.” I also like that when Peter became afraid and started to sink, Jesus caught him and protected him.
Just like Peter, over the last year I’ve been intentional to take more risks and step out in faith more. I’ve discovered that when I’m backing away from a healthy step of faith that I believe God has opened a door to, one of two things is usually happening:
- Fear…I hesitate to step out because I’m afraid I might sink.
- Comfort…Not feeling certain that I want to make the effort because the risk won’t be easy.
I’ve decided that those aren’t good enough reasons anymore for me to stay in the boat.
If you’re not ready to take a huge risk then just begin to start doing new things. Even small things.
Get out of neutral and do something new that you enjoy. Also try something new as a couple. It’s so important not to get stagnant as a person or as a couple. And it’s essential to encourage each other on to try good things and take big steps of faith. It will infuse new life into your marriage.
With great risk comes great reward. Again, I’m not talking about taking absurdly unwise or just plain foolish risks; and I highly encourage prayer and wise counsel with big risks. But if we want to experience all that God has for us on this earth, there is going to be risk involved. Period. There are going to be steps of faith—sometimes even huge, flying leaps of faith—required of us.
So, what are you waiting for? Will you step out of the boat?
Photo Copyright: speedfighter / 123RF Stock Photo