When you first get married, you normally think about all the “good” things. The love, attraction, joys you will celebrate together, etc. You think about the future babies you will have, trips taken together, someone to hold you when you feel sick, and someone to help you feel safe.
There are times in a marriage relationship though, when tough things happen. Jobs are lost. Harsh words are said by friends. Family relationships sometimes hurt. Finances are tight. Temptations are discovered.
You name it. It’s a tough world out there. Sometimes people think going through life with a marriage partner will make living life easier. And it can, in some circumstances. But it can also make it harder, because it’s so hard to see someone you love hurting.
During these times of hurt, it’s so crucial that we be our spouse’s cheerleader. They need to hear that we support and believe in them. They need to know that our love for them isn’t tied to a job, money, or some sort of social standing. They need to hear they are valued…especially when they are going through challenges and trials.
It is up to us, during the tough times in life, to help keep our spouse’s courage up. Sometimes we just can’t find it within ourselves to be brave. We get discouraged and it feels like the odds are against us. These are the times, when we can help our significant other “soldier on.” Instead of saying, “Why don’t you have a job yet?,” we can pray and encourage our spouse.
Intimacy is needed more than ever during times of change and transition. These times can be scary, and communication, lots of love and attention, and positive words, can be a real grounding force during these tumultuous times.
No one has the right amount of courage that is needed for all of life’s curveballs, all of the time. Sometimes we can just get tired of fighting for ourselves. It takes a loving husband or wife to remind us that we DO still have fight in us and we CAN overcome whatever current situation faces us.
Love believes in each other, when the belief we have for ourselves has disappeared for a little while. And love sees when one partner is a little weakened and battle weary; so they step in and reinforce the team. That’s what love does. That’s what marriage IS.
Image credit: prometeus / 123RF Stock Photo