Some days my battle weary husband straggles in the front door with brooding eyes, slumped shoulders, and a defeated countenance. The world beats him up and tosses him around unmercifully. Condemning voices have taken up residence in his head. Negative circumstances and pesky people war against my man and rob him of energy, joy, and peace.
Once he crosses the door, he is in my territory. I create the setting he comes home to—and I have learned that I need to be purposeful in planning and creating the right ambiance. In my home, I have determined to play the part of President of his Fan Club. I am his chief cheerleader. I am wearing his colors, and I am chanting words of affirmation and encouragement.
In order to orchestrate this pep rally reception, I rely on some “cheerleading tricks” that spark his attention and help revitalize his spirit:
- I greet him with a big bear hug and some kisses.
- I allow him time alone to re-group and unpack his day.
- I play some worship music to fill the house with a positive vibe.
- I prepare a yummy meal to fill his empty tummy (Take out helps me on a lot of days!).
- I pray for him to be filled with God’s peace, wisdom, joy, and courage.
- I pray out loud with my husband daily.
- I thank him for working hard for our family.
- I listen to his concerns.
- I smile right into his eyes. He loves it when I smile.
- I affirm that I am proud to be his wife. I am proud to be on his team.
A while back, my best friend and I drove over to the toy store to buy a birthday present for her youngest daughter. Walking down an aisle scanning the toys for a specific princess doll, I discovered a pair of blue and white pom poms. When I impulsively picked them up and placed them into my shopping cart, my girlfriend laughed and asked, “What are you going to do with those?” I flashed her an impish smile and told her that I had secret plans for them. Two week later, when my man came home from a grueling mission’s trip in Haiti, I met him at the door with pom poms raised.
No one else is going to raise a cheer for your spouse. Get your pom poms ready!