Do You Still Hold Hands?

Touch. It’s one of the most important things in a marriage besides communication. And touch gets neglected as the years grow in a marriage relationship. Without meaning to, touch is forgotten. Set aside. Ignored.

When you are dating, touch is everything. Just having your arm rub against the other person’s can send a charge down your spine. You long to be close.

I still hold hands with my husband. Regularly. We grab each other’s hands during church or while we are walking behind our girls at the fair.

It doesn’t grow old.

There is just something about holding each other’s hands that says something about the closeness in a relationship. And there is just something about holding hands that can help anger, frustration, or bitterness slip away.

I remember going to a wedding a long time ago. The pastor had lost his wife. And he was talking about how out of all the things he longed for—how much he longed just to hold her hand one more time.

I’ve never forgotten that.

It’s the power of touch. The power of love.

Do you still hold hands with your spouse? It’s so easy to do. It’s amazing how it can still make you smile. How it can still bring two people close together after a fight. Or after being married for 20 years.

There are lots of ways to touch one another. But holding hands is one of my favorites because it means I belong to someone. And he belongs to me.



Dionna Sanchez is a freelance writer/blogger who is passionate about faith, family, and living a life of character. Dionna strives to be authentic yet gentle, joyful but intentional, and humble yet wise. She continues to learn each year how to be a better wife. Visit her blog at or connect on Facebook at


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