I recently came across the Bible I used from 1996-2006. Inside the front cover, I had written out a sermon outline on servanthood preached at some point during that decade. As I read through my pastor’s points again, all of these years later, they both convicted and encouraged me greatly.
Working in ministry can be tough, and I needed to remind myself to “press in and press on”—to draw close to God’s heart and to serve the people of my church with refreshed energy and passion.
Marriage can be tough too. Do you need a reminder to “press in and press on”—to draw close to God’s heart and to serve your spouse with refreshed energy and passion?
These points can be used for either ministry or marriage. After all, in either arena, we are called to extravagant service—a laying down of our lives for another…being a real servant. What does it mean to be a real servant?
Real servants…
- Make themselves available to serve. Do you make yourself available to your spouse? Are you “present” in your relationship?
- Pay attention to needs when God puts them in their path. Do you anticipate his or her needs? Do you speak your spouse’s love language?
- Do their best with what they have. Do you give your spouse your full attention as opposed to leftover energy or effort?
- Do every task with equal dedication. Do you make the most of the hard, un-fun days and do dirty jobs without complaining?
- Are faithful to their ministry. Are you physically and emotionally faithful to your husband or wife?
- Maintain a low profile. Do you serve your spouse in quiet, intimate ways, and keep these sweet expressions of love private?
Real servant reminders are important for all marriages, because even satisfying, healthy marriages need an occasional fine-turning. But if you are currently in a difficult marriage, know that it’s never too late to begin serving your spouse well. God’s mercy is new every morning, and the divine power that raised Christ from the dead is available to resurrect any “dead” or dying marriage. Even if you’ve failed in real servanthood in the past, start today. You may be pleasantly surprised by the results of becoming a “real servant” in marriage—a softening in both your heart and in the heart of your beloved.