Q: What does God say about an abusive, angry, and bitter husband, who insults his wife in front of their kids and blames the wife for everything that goes wrong?
A: The scriptures say that we are to be angry and sin not. So, a husband who is lashing out at his wife in front of his children and blaming his wife for everything is sinning. It is not a sin to feel angry but it is a sin to lash out and speak harshly in front of children or not in front of children.
I would say two things: first, he needs to have a better understanding of anger. A starting point might be for him to read my book, Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way. Beyond that would be for him to get counseling because the pattern you’re describing is not a healthy pattern and you should not accept it as being normal. The longer you accept it the longer it will go on. So he has to have pressure put on him to deal with his anger problem and learn how to handle it in a positive way.