In my mid-20s, I attended several retreats and conferences hosted by Eric and Leslie Ludy, authors of the book When God Writes Your Love Story. At one of the events, Eric shared a story about his older sister, Krissy, that made quite an impression on me at the time (and still continues to do so today).
Krissy was a woman who surrendered her life to the Lord at a young age. She trusted Him completely in all areas of her life, including her love life. Throughout her teens, twenties, and early thirties, Krissy remained focused on the Lord, serving Him with great passion as a teacher both on the international mission field and in rural Michigan. She didn’t let discouragement get to her when others questioned (or even mocked) her level of commitment to the Lord and her future husband. She didn’t pout when her younger brother walked down the aisle and got married before her. And she didn’t sit around moping that she hadn’t experienced motherhood like many of her friends and peers.
In one word, Krissy was faithful. Yes, she greatly desired to get married and have children. But she also trusted that God’s thoughts and ways were higher than hers. He knew what He was doing in her life, and His plans for her were good. The Lord would provide a husband for her in His perfect timing if she was meant to get married someday.
One day Krissy was asked by someone if she was “called” to singleness. After a moment’s pause, she replied “Today I am.”
Today I am.
What an answer! From the time I heard this story, I decided to live each day fully aware that God is willing and working in my life, no matter my marital status, and to thank Him for it. Just like Krissy, I can trust Him. He knows my thoughts, actions, feelings, desires, and deepest longings. Dear reader, He knows you inside and out too!
Our good, all-loving, mighty God sees. He knows what happened yesterday, has a specific divine purpose for today, and has a wonderful future planned in advance. So really, the question is not “Will I ever get married?” or “Am I called to be single?” but “Will I be faithful to whatever God has for me?” And I’ve found, just as Krissy did, that it is best to live out this season one day at a time. To be honest, it’s best for those who are married to live with the same daily intention, as well.
To the single reader: God has called you to be single today. He may change that tomorrow, or a year from now, or 10 years from now (should your future spouse walk into your life). But today, He has called you to be single.
To the married reader: God has called you to be married today. He may change that tomorrow, or a year from now, or 10 years from now (should God call your spouse home to Heaven). But today, He has called you to be married.
All of us, whether single or married, need to find our fulfillment, total satisfaction, and perfect love in Christ! Tomorrow has enough worries of its own. Choose today to be grateful for your marital status, and embrace the opportunities, challenges, joys, and struggles that come with that status. Place your life in His hands. He is able to do exceedingly more than we can ask or even imagine in singleness and in marriage, and He has our best in mind today.
So, you may be wondering, what happened to Krissy? At age 34, a wonderful 37-year-old man named Scott walked into her church and life, and a new adventure began! They married, had three children, and are living happily ever after in their God-written love story.