The Wifey Mindset: A Love Shift

From single chick to engaged diva to married woman, our perception of life and relationships is defined by our own personal marital status and no relationship stage is the same. It’s bye-bye single life and now on to checking the married box in the demographics section on applications. When you become a wife the real life lessons about life and love begins. Your mindset must transition from being a single woman preparing to be a wife to one of living life as wife. The shift doesn’t magically happen overnight but starts with recognizing that you have entered into a new chapter of your life and that you now are in a partnership of commitment and love. It is a love shift.

You can start that shift by asking yourself a few questions: What does it mean for me to live as a wife? To be the best partner possible? What is my role as a wife? Does it mean that I am now promoted to head chef, lead housekeeper, key financial planner, fierce interior decorator, super organizer on top of my duties as lover, friend, employee, daughter, sister, child of God? As you start to understand what your wifey role means to you in your marriage, you will start to transform the way you see yourself, your behavior will be different and you will ignite a paradigm movement within. The wifey love shift allows you to start getting in touch with your inner self, inner wisdom and inner truth which fills your emotional and spiritual buckets so that you can give love from an overflowing source rather than a depleted source.

A positive wifey state of mind strengthens your ability to forgive, trust, be vulnerable, grow your relationship with the Most High God, enjoy intimacy and have a positive attitude in your marriage.

What is one thing you can do to positively shift your love perspective?
Guest Blogger: Jennifer Conner

Jennifer Conner is a sassy love advocate who talks straight about the life and love challenges that wives in young marriages experience. She helps women go deeper within themselves in order to get deeply connected to their Honey. Jennifer shares the message of self-love through The Marriage Effect®, which offers inspiration, support and transformational coaching services. Grab your FREE Love Swagger Guide that dishes out the skinny on how to have a deeper connection with your hubby at



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