Have you ever wondered just how well your other half knows you? Sure, he might know your favorite flower is a sunflower. Yeah, she might know your loyalty lies with the Steelers (I just had to include a shout out to my guys!). But, does he/she really know you?
The assumption is often that the longer you have been with your spouse, the better you know each other. Recently, the Vancouver Sun shared an article that suggests just the opposite:
Reporting in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, researchers find that men and women in newer relationships (an average two years, one month) have better knowledge of each other’s food, movie and kitchen-design preferences than those who’ve been together for decades (an average 40 years, 11 months).
Long-term couples are nonetheless overconfident compared to newer pairings when it comes to knowing each other’s tastes.
‘Just staying together with someone for a long time doesn’t necessarily mean that you automatically get to know this person better,’ says Benjamin Scheibehenne, study co-author and research scientist at the University of Basel in Switzerland.
What do you all think about their findings?